Does adding a bathroom increases the sale value of a home?

Does adding a bathroom increase the sale value of a home?

Ferny Hills home improvements | Latest News 26th August, 2020 No Comments
bathroom renovation

Two bathrooms are a must for many buyers in today’s market, particularly if one of them is an ensuite.  This is why nearly all new homes are built with an ensuite connected to the master bedroom.

However, for many homeowners in the Hills District (Ferny Hills, Arana Hills, Everton Hills) one-bathroom homes are the norm making a two bathroom property a real drawcard for buyers. But before you embark on adding that second bathroom, do your research and answer the following questions to assist you in making the best decision.


Would you need to extend the roofline?

Having two bathrooms was seen as a luxury for houses built over 30 years ago. With many homes in the Hills and Ferny Grove area of this era, there are a lot of one bathroom two-storey houses making a two-bathroom home more of an exception than the rule.

These two-storey homes, create an opportunity for those thinking about adding an extra bathroom to do so without the expense of extending the roofline.  There are many owners who have economically transformed their existing one bathroom properties into modern 2 bathroom properties in this way. However, bathrooms are an investment, so it is important not to overcapitalise if the motivation is to try and increase the sale value of the property in the short term.


How many bedrooms does the property have?

Ultimately the more bedrooms a property has the more bathrooms that are needed for the household.  The general expectation is two bathrooms for every 3 bedrooms.

In many cases, buyers will find a three-bedroom, two bathroom property more appealing than a four-bedroom, one bathroom home.


Are you thinking of selling soon?

If the answer is yes then it may not be worth the cost of installing a bathroom to try and create extra value.  However, seeking written advice from a building professional and potentially some initial plans will show buyers what is possible if they purchase the property.

If you are not planning on selling immediately but wish to increase the liveability of the property, then rest assured that the investment in liveability is likely to increase the saleability when it comes time to sell.

As the leading sales agency in the area, we can provide advice on the local market conditions, buyer profiles and what people are looking for.  So before you embark on adding that second bathroom, give us a call to explore how you can get the most out of any new addition to your home.


Call us to arrange your no-obligation, free property appraisal.

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