Renovate or Sell as is?

Renovate or sell as-is?

Ferny Hills home improvements | Latest News | Sell 8th October, 2020 No Comments
renovation ferny hills real estate

Preparing your home for sale may consist of tidying the garden and removing some internal clutter, or it may involve more significant renovations like painting the outside or updating the kitchen.

Many sellers are left asking the question, how much is too much time and money to spend on a house before selling?

Spending the time and money on improvements can lead to a much higher sale price or a faster sale but there are times when it’s not worth the effort.

In this article we look at some things to consider when making the decision; renovate or sell as is.


Know the local market

Nothing beats research of the local sales in your area to know what the market expects. You can compare the prices between unrenovated and renovated properties to gauge whether a renovation might be worth it. If you notice a pattern of large price differences between renovated and unrenovated properties then spending the money is likely to be a good idea.


Figure out what buyers are looking for

We have all heard of “overcapitalising”. If you know what buyers are looking for there’s no need to go crazy when renovating before selling.

If you can’t quite work out for yourself what features are popular with buyers in your area, then your local real estate agent can guide you on what buyers are looking for.


What if there is too much to do?

In general, a well-presented property is going to sell for more but you do need to spend those renovation dollars wisely (refer to overcapitalising point above). If the property you are looking to sell is a state of general disrepair, then a coat of paint may not add the level of value you think it will.

If a property looks like too much work, it can scare buyers away, so the aim is to make it look as tidy as possible to minimise the perceived amount of work that has to be done. Low cost tasks such as tidying up the yard and giving it a good clean might help buyers visualise what they could turn the property into.

Where to start?

At Professionals Priority, our experienced agents can provide you with specific advice on the things that we assist in the sale of your home, but as a general guide, these tasks are worth considering:

  • Never underestimate the power of a CLEAN house, we mean REALLY clean
  • Repair any obvious issues of damage (eg, fence falling down)
  • Tidy up the gardens
  • A fresh coat of paint
  • Less is more (declutter)
  • Consider using staging furniture

As your local property experts are here to guide you through the sales process so you can get the best value for money out of your renovation budget and maximise your sale price. Call the office today for a no-obligation chat about your property.

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